Chest Wall Perforator flap
Achieving margin clearance following Oncoplastic Breast Surgery in comparison with simple wide local excision: a 3D specimen assessment
Milan Breast Cancer Conference, Dec 2021, Milan, Italy
Pre-pectoral Implant reconstruction
Senaturk (Virtual), Nov 2021, Istanbul, Turkey
Cambridge Flap and Implant Reconstruction Course Director, Nov 2021, Cambridge, UK
Endocrine therapy
Asian Society of Mastology (Virtual), Nov 2021, Raipur, India
Asso of Breast Surgery UK, Advanced Course, Sept 2021, Cambridge, UK
Chest Wall Perforator flaps
Webinar by Ibreastbook (Virtual), Nov 2021, Scotland
Course (Virtual), Oct 2021, Tashkent, Ukraine
Baheya BC Conf (Virtual), Oct 2021, Baheya, Egypt
Global Breastics x 24hrs (Virtual), Chair, Sept 2021, Global
Breast Surgery International (Virtual), August 2021, Global
Damanhour BC Conf (Virtual), July 2021, Egypt
European Society of Surgical Oncology webinar, Feb 2021, EU
Anatomy and Patient selection for Chest Wall flaps
Introduction to Pre-Pectoral Implant Breast Reconstruction
Director, Cambridge Flap Breast Reconstruction Course, Nov 2021, Cambridge, UK
Anatomy and Patient selection for Chest Wall flaps
Case Discussions
Faculty, ABS Oxford OncoPlastic Surgery Course, July 2021, Oxford, UK
The UK 'PartBreCon' Collaborative: A multi-centre study on Partial Breast Reconstruction with Chest Wall Perforator Flaps following Breast Conservation Flaps
Agrawal A, Romics, Thekkinkattil, Kaushik, Mortimer, Courtney, Goyal, Gareffa, Carmichael, Hamad, Soliman, Lane, Blackhall, Rutheford, Baek, Achuthan, Pitsinis, Goh, Ray, Grover, Mansell, Viya, Murphy.
National UK Asso. of Breast Surgery (Virtual) Conference, May 2021, UK
Should chemotherapy in neoadjuvant setting in node-positive breast cancers be guided by biology over the magnitude of tumour burden?
E. Provenzano, E. Garreffa, P. Wignarajah, N. Borkar, V. Psychogiou, A. Newton, J. Benson, P. Forouhi, L. Hughes-Davies, C. Wilson, K. McAdam, S. Russell, A. Agrawal
European Breast Cancer (Virtual) Conference, October 2020, Barcelona, Spain
Does Neo-Adjuvant chemotherapy response in the primary breast tumour correlate with axillary response in proven Node positive ERpositive HER2 negative disease?
N. Borkar, E. Provenzano, E. Garreffa, J. Benson, P. Forouhi, L. Hugh-Davies, C. Wilson, K. McAdam, S. Russell, A. Agrawal
European Breast Cancer (Virtual) Conference, October 2020, Barcelona, Spain
Use of drain in Oncoplastic breast surgery
Annual Symposium of Asso. of Breast Surgery (Virtual), June 2020, Bournemouth, UK
Assessment and patient selection in OncoPlastic and Reconstructive breast surgery
Choosing between Volume replacement techniques
Perforator flaps: How do I do it?
Invited Lectures & Live Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Workshop, March 2020, Egypt
PIONEER - Pre-operative wIndOw study of letrozole plus Progesterone receptor agonist Megestrol Acetate versus letrozole aloNE in post-menopausal patients with OEstrogen Receptor-positive breast cancer
UK Interdisciplinary Breast Cancer Symposium, January 2020, Manchester, UK
Inter-relation of Peri-operative Adjuvant therapies with Modern Breast Surgery
Lecture: Tata Medical Center, Kolkata, Dec 2019, India
Anatomy and Patient selection for Chest Wall flaps
Post-operative care and Follow-up for Chest Wall flaps
Case Discussions
Introduction to Pre-Pectoral Implant Breast Reconstruction
Director, Cambridge Flap Breast Reconstruction Course, Nov 2019, Cambridge, UK
Cost-effectiveness of Pre-pectoral Implant breast reconstruction: A pilot comparative analysis
Garreffa E, Ray B, Agrawal A
European Society of Surgical Oncology, October 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Definition of Tumour Bed Boost in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery: An Understanding and Approach
Garreffa E, Hughes-Davies L, Coles C, Russell S, Lightowlers S, Agrawal A
American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO), 15-18 Sept 2019, Chicago, USA
Current Practice of Oncoplastic Surgery
Monthly CME, Surgical Oncology: University of California, San Francisco, 4 Sept 2019, USA
Co-chair: Management of impalpable lesions
Debate: Yes, That one surgeon is better than two
5th World Congress on Controversies in Breast Cancer (CoBrCa), 4-6 Sept 2019, San Francisco, USA
Anatomy and Patient selection for Chest Wall flaps
Post-operative care and Follow-up for Chest Wall flaps
Case Discussions
Introduction to Pre-Pectoral Implant Breast Reconstruction
Director, Cambridge Flap Breast Reconstruction Course, May 2019, Cambridge, UK
“Medial wing Hemi-mastopexy”: An innovation to avoid medial pole emptiness in reduction mammaplasty
Annual Symposium of Asso. Of Breast Surgery, May 2019, Glasgow, UK
Adjuvant endocrine therapy: pre and post-menopausal patients
Faculty, ABS Advanced Skills in Breast Disease Management, March 2019, Cambridge, UK
Anatomy and Patient selection for Chest Wall flaps
Post-operative care and Follow-up for Chest Wall flaps
Case Discussions
Faculty, Oxford OncoPlastic Surgery Course, March 2019, Oxford, UK
Oncoplastic Breast Surgery in Elderly Primary breast cancer: time to serve more surgically?
Elderly Breast Cancer Symposium, 2019, Nottingham, UK
Anatomy and Patient selection for Chest Wall flaps
Post-operative care and Follow-up for Chest Wall flaps
Case Discussions
Introduction to Pre-Pectoral Implant Breast Reconstruction
Director, Cambridge Flap Breast Reconstruction Course, November 2018, Cambridge, UK
Does change in margin distance policy alter volume of tissue in breast conservation surgery?
Eur Society of Surg Oncology, Oct 2018, Budapest, Hungary
Perforator flaps for breast volume
Lateral thoracic and Lateral Intercostal perforator flaps
Panel Discussion: Should DCIS be treated with all modalities as invasive cancer?
Panel Discussion: Contouring post treatment for BCS
Judge: Oral presentations
Annual Symposium of International Oncoplastic Breast Surgeons, October 2018, Goa, India
Panel Discussion: Breast Cosmesis: Tips and Tricks
Perforator flaps
Debate: Yes to Breast Oncoplasty: A Game changer?
4th Indo-British Master-class in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery & Symposium, Aug 2018, Pune, India
Rates of local recurrence following skin-sparing mastectomy for breast cancer
Does design of guide-wire influence re-excision rates in wire-guided breast conservation surgery?
Association of Breast Surgery, June 2018, Birmingham, UK
Two-year outcomes of immediate breast reconstruction in a University teaching hospital
European Breast Cancer Conference, March 2018, Spain
Assessment and patient selection in OncoPlastic and Reconstructive breast surgery
The Ideal Breast
Remit of Level 2 Oncoplastic Breast surgery
Perforator flaps Tips and Tricks
Implications of Radiotherapy on Oncoplastic Outcomes
Therapeutic Mammoplasty: My approach
Invited Lectures & Live Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Workshop, March 2018, Egypt
Anatomy and Patient selection for Chest Wall flaps
Post-operative care and Follow-up for Chest Wall flaps
Case Discussions
Faculty, Oxford OncoPlastic Surgery Course, February 2018, Oxford, UK
Does size matter in the selection for oncoplastic surgery in comparison with standard conservation?
Use of a combination of modules of BREAST-QTM in lateral chest wall flap breast reconstruction: a tale of two cities
Short-term Outcomes of immediate Breast Reconstruction in a university Teaching hospital
Neo-RT- Pre-operative breast IMRT with neo-adjuvant hormonal treatment for breast cancer - a feasibility study
Pioneer- Pre-operative window study of Letrozole plus Megestrol vs. Letrozole alone in ER+ breast cancer
UK Interdisciplinary Breast Cancer Symposium, January 2018, Manchester, UK
Anatomy and Patient selection for Chest Wall flaps
Post-operative care and Follow-up for Chest Wall flaps
Case Discussions
Introduction to Implant Breast Reconstruction
Director, Cambridge Flap Breast Reconstruction Course, November 2017, Cambridge, UK
Personalised Modern Breast Surgery: Oncoplastic Surgery adding Life to Life
Cancer Research UK (CRUK), Cambridge Centre, October 2017, UK
LiCAP flap reconstruction
North Breast Screening Surgeons Training Event, September 2017, Leeds, UK
Principles of Oncoplastic Breast Surgery
East of England Registrar Study Day, September 2017, Cambridge, UK
Implications on margin positivity rates following the introduction of an OncoPlastic service to a University hospital Breast Unit
National meeting of Association of Breast Surgery (ABS), May 2017, Belfast, UK
Anatomy and Patient selection for Chest Wall flaps
Post-operative care and Follow-up for Chest Wall flaps
Case Discussions
Introduction to Implant Breast Reconstruction
Founder-Director-Faculty, Cambridge Flap Breast Reconstruction Course, April 2017, Cambridge, UK
Anatomy and Patient selection for Chest Wall flaps
Post-operative care and Follow-up for Chest Wall flaps
Case Discussions
Faculty, Oxford OncoPlastic Surgery Course, 17 March 2017, Oxford, UK
Breast Reconstruction in Elderly Women
Primary Breast Cancer in Older Women Symposium, 03 March 2017, Nottingham, UK
Chairperson: Endocrine therapy and Molecular targeted therapy
Level 2 OncoPlastic Breast-Conservation Surgery
Role of Breast Care Nurse in Modern Breast Surgery
Therapeutic Mammoplasty - my approach
Bangla British Breast meeting, 18-19 February 2017, Kolkata, India
(Co-Founder & Overseas Advisor of BBB Group)
Basics of OncoPlastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery
Association of Breast Surgery of India (ABSI) academic week, 14 Feb 2017, Lucknow, India
Trends in Reconstructive Breast Surgery at a UK Tertiary Centre pre and post-Acellular Dermal Matrices
Academic Surgical Congress, 07-09 February 2017, Las Vegas, USA
Remit of OncoPlastic Breast Surgery
Assessment in OncoPlastic Breast Surgery
Chest wall flap as an alternative to LD flap
Annual International Academic Meeting, October 2016, Hangzhou, China
Anatomy and Patient selection for Chest Wall flaps
Post-operative care and Follow-up for Chest Wall flaps
Case Discussions
Director, Cambridge Flap Breast Reconstruction Course, September 2016, Cambridge, UK
OncoPlastic Breast Conserving Surgery - What the breast radiologist needs to know
Annual Scientific Meeting of British Society of Breast Radiologists, 06-08 November 2016, Manchester, UK
Reconstructive options for major excisions
Controversies in Clinical Oncology meeting, 23-24 July 2016, Kolkata, India
Use of a combination of modules of BREAST-Q in partial breast reconstruction with lateral chest wall flap
National meeting of Association of Breast Surgery (ABS), May 2016, Manchester, UK
Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy, tumour biology and the degree of response – A Surgeon's perspective
National meeting of Association of Breast Surgery (ABS), May 2016, Manchester, UK
A chart for rapid comprehensive assessment and planning for OncoPlastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery
National meeting of Association of Breast Surgery (ABS), June 2015, Bournemouth, UK
Remit of Modern OncoPlastic Breast Surgery
S Gupta Cancer Care and Research Centre, 02 July 2015, Thakurpukur-Kolkata, India
Implications of Adjuvant Therapy on OncoPlastic Breast Surgery
National meeting of Asso. of Breast Surgeons of India, 26-28 June 2015, Indore, India
Lateral chest wall perforator flap partial reconstruction of the breast following WLE
Chairperson: Sentinel Node Biopsy session
National meeting of Asso. of Breast Surgeons of India, 16-20 June 2014, Kolkata, India
Introduction of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Pathways in LD Flap Reconstruction
National meeting of Association of Breast Surgery (ABS), May 2014, Liverpool, UK
Medium and long-term biological effects of fulvestrant on ER-positive human breast cancer
British Breast Group, 31 January 2014, York, UK
2013 and Prior Years
Future Trends in Breast Cancer Care
Derby Breast Cancer Patient Support Group, 05 September 2013, Derby, UK
Introduction of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Pathways in LD Flap Reconstruction
3rd ERAS UK Conference Proc, 08 November 2013, Birmingham, UK
Relevance of the rise in CA15.3 during fulvestrant therapy in advanced breast cancer patients
Meeting of American Society of Clinical Oncology, June 2013, Chicago, UK
Changing Trends in Consultant Practice and Breast Training in the United Kingdom
National meeting of Association of Breast Surgery (ABS), May 2013, Manchester, UK
Recurrence rate after skin-sparing mastectomy and immediate reconstruction
National meeting of Association of Breast Surgery (ABS), May 2012, Bournemouth, UK
Recurrence rate after skin-sparing mastectomy and immediate reconstruction: an update
European Breast Cancer Conference, March 2012, Vienna, Austria
Predictability of time to progression during fulvestrant treatment in breast cancer
1st British Breast Cancer Research Conference Meeting Proc, Sept 2010, Nottingham, UK
Relation of tumour morphology with response during fulvestrant treatment in breast cancer
1st British Breast Cancer Research Conference Meeting Proc, Sept 2010, Nottingham, UK
Early therapeutic intervention based on blood tumour markers in patients with primary breast cancer
1st British Breast Cancer Research Conference Meeting Proc, Sept 2010, Nottingham, UK
Long-term effect of fulvestrant on signalling elements in breast cancer
Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, June 2010, Chicago, USA
Early therapeutic intervention based on blood tumour markers (TMs) in patients with primary breast cancer
Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, June 2010, Chicago, USA
Long-term effect of fulvestrant on hormone receptors and proliferation marker in breast cancer
Nottingham International Breast Cancer meeting, September 2009, Nottingham, UK
Biological profile of oestrogen receptor α positive (ERα+) primary breast cancers in the elderly and their response to primary endocrine therapy
Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, June 2009, Chicago, USA
Goserelin plus anastrozole (G+A) as first-line systemic therapy for premenopausal oestrogen receptor positive (ER+) advanced breast cancer (ABC) - clinical and endocrine data
Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, June 2008, Chicago, USA
Clinical benefit as a surrogate marker of survival in patients receiving primary endocrine therapy in locally advanced primary breast cancer
Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, June 2008, Chicago, USA
Primary endocrine therapy in locally advanced breast cancers - Nottingham experience
Nottingham International Breast Cancer meeting, September 2007, Nottingham, UK
Is the difference between tamoxifen and anastrozole in adjuvant trials applicable to primary endocrine therapy of early operable primary breast cancer in the elderly?
Nottingham International Breast Cancer meeting, September 2007, Nottingham, UK
Anastrozole versus Tamoxifen as Primary Endocrine Therapy for Early Operable PrimaryBreast Cancer in the Elderly
Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, June 2007, Chicago, USA
Changes in HER-2 expression in sequential tumour biopsies while on fulvestrant for advanced breast cancer
San Antonio Breast Cancer Conference, December 2006, San Antonio, USA
Activity of fulvestrant in a subset of oestrogen receptor-positive patients with advanced breast cancer that overexpresses HER-2
San Antonio Breast Cancer Conference, December 2006, San Antonio, USA
Serum EGFR and HER-2 levels in metastatic breast cancer patients receiving Gefitinib therapy
San Antonio Breast Cancer Conference, December 2006, San Antonio, USA
Clinical relevance of “withdrawal therapy” from antiestrogens in breast cancer
British Association of Surgical Oncology, December 2006, London, UK
Can CT scan replace bone scan in detecting bone metastases from breast cancer? A prospective audit
British Association of Surgical Oncology, December 2006, London, UK
Oesophagogastric cancers secondary to a breast primary do not require resection.
World Congress of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, 03-07 Sept 2006, Edinburgh, UK
Bone turnover markers in postmenopausal breast cancer patients treated with Fulvestrant
Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, June 2006, Atlanta, USA
CA15.3 and its correlation with clinical response in advanced breast cancer patients with Fulvestrant therapy
Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, June 2006, Atlanta, USA
Primary endocrine therapy with anastrozole for early operable primary breast cancer in the elderly - early clinical and biological data
Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, June 2006, Atlanta, USA
Biological characteristics of oestrogen receptor positive early operable primary breast cancer in the elderly
Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, June 2006, Atlanta, USA
Continued use of goserelin to achieve ovarian function suppression in combination with a further aromatase inhibitor (exemestane) following prior treatment with anastrozole and/or tamoxifen in premenopausal women with ER-positive advanced breast cancer
European Breast Cancer meeting, March 2006, Nice, France
Clinical experience with Fulvestrant: The Nottingham experience in postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer
European Breast Cancer meeting, March 2006, Nice, France
Efficacy and tolerability of gefitinib in oestrogen receptor negative and tamoxifen-resistant oestrogen receptor positive locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer
San Antonio International Breast Cancer Conference, December 2005, San Antonio, USA
Response to further endocrine therapies following de novo or acquired resistance to first-line endocrine therapy for advanced breast cancer
Nottingham International Breast Cancer meeting, September 2005, Nottingham, UK
High dose oestrogen (HDE) as an endocrine therapy option for advanced breast cancer
Nottingham International Breast Cancer meeting, September 2005, Nottingham, UK
Secretary: Pippa
Phone: +44(0)7411 027 388
Or use our contact form.
Nuffield Cambridge Hospital,
4 Trumpington Road,
Cambridge, CB2 8AF
Spire Lea Cambridge Hospital,
30 New Road, Impington,
Cambridge, CB24 9EL
Addenbrooke's Hospital
Box 97, Cambridge Breast Unit,
Cambridge, CB2 0QQ
Secretary: Mollie
Phone: +44(0)1223 216 315